SOLD ALL and wait at the sidelines

Sold everything for a total of -17.4% loss. Outlook is rather bad for next several weeks, possibly months, due to coronavirus worry, oil price war, and of course, the already slowing world economy.

If recession indeed happens (defined by 2 consecutive GDP contraction), will wait several months into the recession before begin buying.

Also, have to decide when to enter. Here, have to be right again. But it's better to wish to be in the market, than wish not to be in the market.

Here's my final composition of my portfolio:

And here's the total return (final realized gain/loss + dividends):

Virtually all stocks suffered selldown in the past few days, regardless of fundamentals. Things will continue to be choppy for at least a couple of weeks.

The earnings of the companies above, except Mi Technovation, should not be influenced by the economic conditions in the near term: for example, Duopharma earnings are anchored on medium-term government drug contracts, and Serba Dinamik earnings come from maintenance contracts that are much less affected by the oil price.

Favelle Favco meanwhile have announced their intention of rewarding shareholders with 15sen dividend. At RM2.35 per share, this translate to 6.38% dividend, beating ASB dividends at 5.5% this year. I hope Favelle Favco's price will continue to head south in the meantime.

I'll buy again these companies, as well as others that are on my wish list, once I enter the market again. Until then, I'd concentrate on my reading and study for my professional exam.


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