Added Kronologi Asia and Kelington Group, Dumped Sapura Energy

Dumped Sapura Energy for ~17% loss. Loss loss loss. Held the stock for almost a year on the hope that it will turn around. Hope is not a good strategy. Sapura Energy won billions worth of contract up to date but keep on burning cash. Net loss only widens.

Recovery not around the corner. So I cut loss.

I added Kronologi Asia and Kelington Group. These two have rather good quarterly performance (3-4 quarters now). Both are early stage companies, ran by relatively young (~40s) management team with prior experience in their respective fields.

I'm looking to add 1-2 (maybe 3) more positions in Duopharma, Wellcall, or Serba Dinamik. Maybe Dialog as well if I'm up for a safer bets – the first two especially are much riskier.

I'm switching into swing trading mode now.


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