November 2019 Round Up
November 2019 gave me a bit of excitement. 3Q earnings season started, and as the reports tricking in, my portfolio break even for about a week at some point. That was mainly due to a short term rally of Kawan Food. Alas, the rally didn't translate into something more permanent as their 3Q financials showed that the company has not turned around, despite many promises in media since several quarters. Even since last year, actually.
I've cut my holding of Kawan completely and booked -11% loss.
Additionally, I've also cut all of my holdings of Petronas Chemical. Their net earnings plunged 55% q-o-q, and this was followed by a dip in the share price. I booked a -5% loss.
In both cases, for Kawan and Petronas Chemical, I was right (at least in the short term) as the share price continued to go down as of now.
In general, Favelle Favco, Leong Hup, and Mi Technovation posted strong results, Air Asia booked net loss. MyEG earnings could not be compared due to change of accounting standards. Only Sapura Energy has yet to report their earnings. I will decide whether to keep or to cut my position there afterwards.
End of November 2019, total return of my portfolio stood at -5.545 loss, with cash grew at 13.18% due to removal of Kawan and Petronas Chemical. Dividend maintained at 7.22%.
I added Lii Hen on the premise of strong performance for several quarters, with big exposure to the overseas (especially US) market.
Till then, stay educated, stay invested.
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