Finance Round Up: February 2019

February was a month of anomaly. With a short month of 28 days I should've spent much less, yet the reverse had happened. And this is excluding rent.

There was a huge bulge for the Living Materials category as I upgraded my glasses to fit my new vision requirement. Can't escape that.

Essential Food and Non-essential Food increased by 28 and 8%, respectively. I decided that February would be a reward month, and had rewarded myself a bit too many times there. The bulge in food spending also happened in a recurrent rather than several times-off basis. Perhaps I have had rewarded myself enough here.

Positive take away is that Transport actually had a reduced spending by ~9%, and Reading Materials grew by 12%. Well, all I have to do now is get down and bury myself with these books, which also include some books on investment or finance with good reviews.

All in all, February was not a month I should be proud of financially. March will also be a high spending month as I'm including two rent payments here.


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