Positions 311218 : 2018 Wrap Up
Today is the last trading day for the Malaysian Stock Exchange in 2018.
At the end of the trading day, here's how my portfolio weighting look like:
Performance-wise, this is how each of the stocks did:
I do not plan to dispose any of my current positions, and will add other stocks to diversify into financial services, industrial and consumer products sectors. This includes direct acquisition in the secondary market (regular "buy"), as well as through IPO. I am still waiting for the results of my IPO application for QSR Brands Holdings Bhd through the Ministry of International Trade and Industries (I won the genetic lottery as a Bumiputera and have never used this privilege to apply stocks thus far). So currently I'm hoarding cash.
In summary, for the year 2018 my portfolio has produced total return of -7.81% since inception (June 2018), including 2.66% dividends paid.
I do not have any specific expectations for 2019. I will keep researching on value/growth/cyclical stocks, and stay away from the regular financial and stock market news porn (i.e, anything that says "volatility" , "reiterate strong buy" , "worst performance since the Great Depression" and the likes).
I will continue staying invested. My time horizon is 3 years and above (or at least that's what I'd like to think now).
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