Book Review: How Money Works

In a scramble to maximize my tax return for 2018, I went to Bukit Bintang (never been there) on one of the last days of 2018 to visit the Times Book Store in Pavilion shopping mall.

For those who've never been there and love browsing books, I highly recommend the bookstore. It might not have more selection of books as Kinokuniya in KLCC, yet it's visited by much less people.

In the store, a book caught my eye: How Money Works: The Facts Visually Explained.

The book already purchased and on my desk

Hard-covered and (hell yeah) thick, the pictogram book was priced at RM89.90. Curious, I googled about the book and found rave reviews on the Internet (for example in Amazon and in Goodreads). Went ahead and bought it (together with two more money-related books: Rich Dad Poor Dad (yes, never read it!) and Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings).

Wasn't disappointed with the book, and spent the long weekend digesting the book. Loved every page of it. Clear and concise, with pictures. Really really really good for someone with no formal economics/finance background like me (I only took one single General Economics class back at Purdue). It covers a bit of the history of money, how money works, how a company works, how to read a financial, personal finance, and many more. Enough to give you a good basic understanding, yet not too detailed to the nitty gritty that will bore ya.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who'd like to avoid long-winded discussions on how economics work, and prefer to learn through pictures. If I have a kid I might even make him/her read this at 10 or so ha ha.

Stay hungry (no, please don't...), and stay curious, people. Keep on learning!


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